Thursday, November 6, 2008


You might be reading this because you’re considering a change to working from home – you just need the right opportunity, true? Yes – but you also need to know some of the pitfalls of working from home. There are lots and I mean LOTS of advantages but take it from someone who knows; it takes discipline to work for yourself. You may think that’s easy but it’s easier when someone else is telling you to do something or there’ll be consequences. When you work from home or for yourself it very easy to let yourself off the hook.

Some wise person once said that “Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do”. Very true. It’s very easy to motivate yourself, set goals, find your “WHY” and sign up to your new life. It’s even easier, however, to not do the things you need to do everyday when the TV is in the next room, there’s a cup of coffee waiting to be made in the kitchen, the car needs washing, the phone is ringing or your mate rings up for you to go to lunch. The freedom of not having to work for a boss anymore can be a little intoxicating at first but it’s easy to overcome.

Your goals, your dreams, your family, your future – all these things will add up to some pretty valuable and weighty reasons to stay on track. My wife Kristi and I are into personal development and that is one of the big disciplines that we find helps us along. Believe me, sometimes finding the time to sit down in a quiet spot and do that work on yourself is not convenient. FINDING the time is not an option really – MAKING THE TIME is!

You really have to look at the big picture. Will going on that lunch date with your friend get you the things you want to achieve in your life? Can it wait until the groundwork is done? What’s more important? The personal development work we’re doing is a little bit “airy fairy” for some people but when you’re working from home or for yourself, you need to work harder on yourself than you do on your business and that can be a hard concept to grasp. It really is all in your head – your attitude governs everything.

So remember – do the things that unsuccessful people wouldn’t. Be the leader. Set the example. Another good quote to finish off: “What’s worse – the price of discipline or the price of regret?”

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