Thursday, November 6, 2008

Financial Freedom – It’s Just a Decision

People make choices everyday. A lot of those choices are made in a split second and only affect what’s happening right now – changing gears, what to have for lunch, etc. Some decisions though, are the ones that have a profound impact on the very fundamentals of our lives. They are the big decisions that cover how we live on a day to day basis.

Getting up every day and going to work for a boss who might just give you a pay rise if he or she feels like it next year – is a choice. Simply put. It’s a decision that people all around the world make every day, and I’m assuming here that most of those people do that even though they may not like the boss, the job, or even the travelling they need to do to get there. So why do they do it, day in day out? I think it’s because they don’t even realise that they have a choice; or even that it’s a choice they have the power to make!

This is the difference between people with ‘jobs’ and entrepreneurs. Now that’s a word that I think some people would be uncomfortable calling themselves – I did for a while. It sounds like some high-flying corporate position, but really it’s just someone that’s made a decision that they are not satisfied with the day-to-day grind and making someone else rich and they’re going to do something about it. There are so many ideas and opportunities out there for people to change their situation – I believe that people are so engrossed in the routine of their existence that it never even occurs to them. Making a change, looking for something better that gives you control over your life and burning-your-boat in the corporate world so there’s no going back is just a choice! It’s a decision.

So why don’t people make decisions? Maybe it’s fear. Maybe it’s fear of the unknown, but also it could be fear of commitment; committing to yourself, your goals, your freedom. It takes some courage to back yourself like that – if you’re relying on someone else then at least you’ve got someone to blame if it all comes crashing down. Taking charge of your own life means commitment, responsibility and accountability.

So – do you have big dreams? An average job with an income ‘ceiling’? A boss who couldn’t care much less about your personal goals? You can take charge of your life today – it’s just a decision, but it’s going to be harder than the decision you make when someone asks you if “you want fries with that”.

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