Thursday, November 6, 2008


You might be reading this because you’re considering a change to working from home – you just need the right opportunity, true? Yes – but you also need to know some of the pitfalls of working from home. There are lots and I mean LOTS of advantages but take it from someone who knows; it takes discipline to work for yourself. You may think that’s easy but it’s easier when someone else is telling you to do something or there’ll be consequences. When you work from home or for yourself it very easy to let yourself off the hook.

Some wise person once said that “Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do”. Very true. It’s very easy to motivate yourself, set goals, find your “WHY” and sign up to your new life. It’s even easier, however, to not do the things you need to do everyday when the TV is in the next room, there’s a cup of coffee waiting to be made in the kitchen, the car needs washing, the phone is ringing or your mate rings up for you to go to lunch. The freedom of not having to work for a boss anymore can be a little intoxicating at first but it’s easy to overcome.

Your goals, your dreams, your family, your future – all these things will add up to some pretty valuable and weighty reasons to stay on track. My wife Kristi and I are into personal development and that is one of the big disciplines that we find helps us along. Believe me, sometimes finding the time to sit down in a quiet spot and do that work on yourself is not convenient. FINDING the time is not an option really – MAKING THE TIME is!

You really have to look at the big picture. Will going on that lunch date with your friend get you the things you want to achieve in your life? Can it wait until the groundwork is done? What’s more important? The personal development work we’re doing is a little bit “airy fairy” for some people but when you’re working from home or for yourself, you need to work harder on yourself than you do on your business and that can be a hard concept to grasp. It really is all in your head – your attitude governs everything.

So remember – do the things that unsuccessful people wouldn’t. Be the leader. Set the example. Another good quote to finish off: “What’s worse – the price of discipline or the price of regret?”

Home Business In Australia - The Tough Times Are Good!

There’s never been a better time to be an entrepreneur – that is, someone who has decided that they’ve had enough of someone else governing their life and are doing something to take control back. The entrepreneur (I know – it’s a big word) is any person starting their own venture – simply put. It’s not a word that’s reserved for the Donald Trump’s and the Richard Branson’s of the world. Anyone who goes into business for themselves, no matter how big or small is an entrepreneur. You could be starting a major printing business, or making things to sell in a market stall – you’re an entrepreneur.

Now some people would think that it’s a bad time to go into business with the way the economy is – well that’s pretty relative. A wise person once said: “Logic is overrated, there’s always a way!” So if the economy, the government, the dollar, whatever is not going right at the moment (and really when IS everything going perfectly right??) – certain people, SUCCESSSFUL people, turn that adversity into opportunity.

Did you know that worldwide, 11,000 people everyday make a bold decision to take control back and they start a home business of some sort. That might be a small hobby enterprise, multi-level-marketing, network marketing, some big idea they’ve cooked up, whatever it is. Eleven THOUSAND people every single day – now wouldn’t you say that many people equal a very big opportunity?

In such economic times when people are complaining about wages, petrol prices, interest rates, grocery costs, and a myriad of other things – these are the best times to begin a home business of some sort, especially one where you can offer the opportunity to someone else because there will always be someone else looking for what you’ve got. Eleven thousand of them every day to be exact. To be honest, the times don’t even need to be tough to make it in a home business, there will always be people out there who are looking to change their situation. There will always be people out there who, once they’re shown that there IS something more they can do than the 9 to 5 grind, will throw their arms around you and thank you for showing them a way out.

Don’t worry about the dollar, the government, or how much something costs – there’s always a way to take control back in your life. All you need is the right opportunity for you, some smart focussed work (not hard work, just smart) and a little bit of courage.

Financial Freedom – It’s Just a Decision

People make choices everyday. A lot of those choices are made in a split second and only affect what’s happening right now – changing gears, what to have for lunch, etc. Some decisions though, are the ones that have a profound impact on the very fundamentals of our lives. They are the big decisions that cover how we live on a day to day basis.

Getting up every day and going to work for a boss who might just give you a pay rise if he or she feels like it next year – is a choice. Simply put. It’s a decision that people all around the world make every day, and I’m assuming here that most of those people do that even though they may not like the boss, the job, or even the travelling they need to do to get there. So why do they do it, day in day out? I think it’s because they don’t even realise that they have a choice; or even that it’s a choice they have the power to make!

This is the difference between people with ‘jobs’ and entrepreneurs. Now that’s a word that I think some people would be uncomfortable calling themselves – I did for a while. It sounds like some high-flying corporate position, but really it’s just someone that’s made a decision that they are not satisfied with the day-to-day grind and making someone else rich and they’re going to do something about it. There are so many ideas and opportunities out there for people to change their situation – I believe that people are so engrossed in the routine of their existence that it never even occurs to them. Making a change, looking for something better that gives you control over your life and burning-your-boat in the corporate world so there’s no going back is just a choice! It’s a decision.

So why don’t people make decisions? Maybe it’s fear. Maybe it’s fear of the unknown, but also it could be fear of commitment; committing to yourself, your goals, your freedom. It takes some courage to back yourself like that – if you’re relying on someone else then at least you’ve got someone to blame if it all comes crashing down. Taking charge of your own life means commitment, responsibility and accountability.

So – do you have big dreams? An average job with an income ‘ceiling’? A boss who couldn’t care much less about your personal goals? You can take charge of your life today – it’s just a decision, but it’s going to be harder than the decision you make when someone asks you if “you want fries with that”.

Personal Development - The Secret of "The Secret"

Since its release in 2004 many people of the present generations around the world have discovered something that a lot of people knew for thousands of years before. “The Secret” movie and book have been phenomenally successful with its method of using your thoughts to change your life.

Of course it works, it works very well – the thing is that most people expected instant results, which I guess is a symptom of this world we’ve created of instant gratification. After a couple of days of positive thoughts and visualisation most people expected their dreams to materialise and that the money truck would back up to their house and unload. Of course that’s not the way it works, but as most people expected it to be like that they lost interest after a few days, claimed it didn’t work and went back to living their lives the way they always had been.

It’s sad really because the law of attraction is a very real thing that has been proven scientifically. It’s just that it takes time, consistency, commitment, faith and all the other things that the majority place in the too-hard-basket. It has been said many times that successful people do the things that unsuccessful people don’t like to do – that concept applies here too. Most of the people in the Secret professed that the principles taught had to be incorporated into your life every day, every week, every month in order for results to start showing up. That’s not instant gratification in any form.

To enjoy the results of the law of attraction, you must avoid another irrefutable law: “The Law Of Diminishing Intent”. That law states that a few hours, days, weeks, or months after starting something new your passion and commitment level will drop, especially if results aren’t forthcoming. It works like the average gym membership. Many people get signed up at the gym soon after January 1st. In the first few weeks of any New Year the gym is crowded with people striving towards their New Year’s Resolution of health and fitness – you have to queue for any piece of equipment. By the end of February you know who the committed people are because they are one of only a handful of people still turning up and the queues are non-existent.

Now let me clarify that this isn’t a pessimistic view of us humans, it’s just that some people are like that. It also means that you don’t have to be. Anything worthwhile, sexy, juicy, tasty, rewarding and beneficial is attainable – you just need to be prepared to put the work in, consistently, then reap the rewards.

Personal Development - Mind Over Muscle

I started a gym membership recently and it’s been great to finally get back out there and work on the physical “me”. It’s very satisfying to work on yourself knowing that the outcome will be a better body, capable of so much more, able to leap taller buildings (so to speak). Maybe even to overcome more adversity, think more clearly, make better decisions. It got me to thinking that physical health ties in to mental health more than most people know.

So how does that work? Well for a start, if you feel better about yourself, then you’re more likely to be thinking positively and be making moves in the right direction. We are emotional beings and we ‘feel’ stuff all day long; it’s either going to be positive or negative feelings. If we’re physically ‘feeling’ in a negative place because we have no energy, we’re overweight, feeling sick etc. chances are that our mental ‘feelings’ will also be negative. It works the other way around too; imagine you’re the jilted lover who turns to food or just goes to bed for a week after the terrible feeling of rejection – that awful pit in your stomach – mentally negative thoughts can affect how you feel physically.

When all the motivational speakers in the world talk about the power of positive thinking, it’s a good thing to look from the holistic perspective. It’s going to be just a little bit harder to achieve those positive thoughts if you’re not feeling good in other ways. That could be helped by physical exercise, eating well, drinking more water, or even just putting your physical self into some nice surroundings – go to your favourite place and soak up the atmosphere (even if it’s just in your mind) and those happy physical feelings will translate into positive thoughts and good vibes.

All it takes is to do more things that make you feel good, whatever those things are. Do the things that make you feel happy, do the things that make you feel healthy. Mental happiness will help the physical, and in turn physical health will help your thoughts. At the end of the day you need to look after No.1 by deciding on and focusing on what makes YOU feel good.